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Privacy Policy

Aesthetic Ortho and Restorative Training Academy Australia (AORTA) – Privacy Policy

AORTA Australia means Aesthetic Ortho and Restorative Training Academy Australia (ABN 57 609 411 190) of 11/37-39 Albert Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004

  1. Introduction

While providing the Services, AORTA Australia collects Personal Information about individuals. This document describes how and why AORTA Australia collects, stores, uses and discloses Personal Information.

  1. Types of information collected

AORTA Australia may collect the following types of Personal Information about individuals:

  • names;
  • addresses;
  • email addresses;
  • telephone numbers;
  • dates of birth;
  • computer device information;
  • location information;
  • IP addresses;
  • health insurance details;
  • Medicare details;
  • details of products or services that AORTA Australia has provided to individuals;
  • records of, or notes on communications between AORTA Australia and individuals; and
  • whatever personal information is included in content individuals posts on the Service or on the website of AORTA Australia.


  1. Sensitive information

AORTA Australia may collect sensitive information about individuals, including Personal Information about individuals’:

  • health, health services, health records or health preferences; and
  • biometric information included in dental records.
  1. How information is collected

AORTA Australia may collect Personal Information about individuals using the following methods:

  • from AORTA Australia’s website;
  • as a result of being given access to digital records held on third party software;
  • from individuals’ communications with AORTA Australia;
  • automated analysis of individuals’ use of AORTA Australia’s services; and
  • from job applications made to AORTA Australia.


  1. How information is held and secured

AORTA Australia may hold Personal Information about individuals using the following methods:

  • digitally;
  • hard copy; and
  • using third party digital and hard copy storage services.

AORTA Australia ensures that Personal Information is protected from unauthorised access

Deletion of Personal Information

AORTA Australia deletes Personal Information when: no longer required or agreements have concluded

  1. How Provider uses Personal Information

AORTA Australia may collect, use, hold and disclose Personal Information in order to:

  • provide the Services to its clients;
  • communicate with individuals;
  • comply with the law;
  • process payments; and
  • allow access/subscriptions

AORTA Australia may obtain access to Personal Information and Health Information about individuals when it provides training, support or consulting to dentists and dental practices including:

  • training and support in the use of orthodontic software
  • business services consulting.


  1. Disclosures of information

AORTA Australia may disclose Personal Information to:

  • AORTA Australia’s employees;
  • health services providers with whom it is collaborating;
  • professional advisors;
  • affiliated businesses providing related services; and
  • regulatory bodies and courts of law in accordance with lawful requests.


  1. Disclosing information outside Australia

AORTA Australia may disclose personal information to organisations outside of Australia

By using the Services, individuals consent to the disclosure of their Personal Information to overseas recipients.

AORTA Australia will make a good faith effort to ensure that overseas recipients deal with Personal Information in a way that is consistent with the principles of the Privacy Act, but individuals will not have the same rights in relation to overseas recipients who handle their information as they would with Australian recipients.

  1. Privacy contact

Questions or complaints from individuals relating to AORTA Australia’s use of Personal Information should be directed to AORTA Australia’s privacy officer, contactable on [email protected]

When individuals communicate a complaint to AORTA Australia, AORTA Australia will respond within two weeks, and seek to resolve the complaint entirely within 4 weeks if the nature of the complaint permits it.

AORTA Australia’s privacy officer will make a reasonable effort to address complaints or questions of individuals, and where the privacy officer is unable to do so, the privacy officer will attempt to explain why it is unable to do so.

If individuals are unsatisfied with the outcome of the complaints process, individuals may complain to the OAIC at https://www.oaic.gov.au.

  1. Accessing information

Under privacy law, individuals have the right to contact AORTA Australia to modify or obtain information held about them by AORTA Australia.

  1. Hosting personal information

The Service permits individuals or Organisations to collect, store, process, disclose, publish, or post online, Personal Information, including in some cases Health Information such as:

  • medical imaging;
  • photographs of individuals’ teeth, mouths and jaws;
  • comments relating to diagnosis and treatment of dental conditions.

It does so by running a closed social network page for dentists, which allows members to post and view comments, messages or other information in order to:

  • facilitate collaboration and advice regarding particular dentistry scenarios; and
  • share useful information about dental diagnosis and treatment.

AORTA Australia does not control contributor’s posts, but will take reasonable measures to:

  • prevent information being shared outside the closed group;
  • remove information that is not suitable for sharing with the group; and
  • where necessary remove certain group members’ access.

In these cases, the handling of Personal Information may occur without AORTA Australia’s direct knowledge or control.

  1. Changes to this policy

AORTA Australia reserves the right to make changes to this document in the future, either to comply with changes in Australian privacy law, or to reflect changing business practices.  It is the responsibility of individuals to regularly check this document for such changes.

  1. Definitions


Organisation, Organisations

means an organisation using the Services.

Personal Information

means any information that is categorised as “personal information” under privacy law.

Privacy Act

means the Privacy Act (1988) Cth

Service, Services

means training, support and consulting services to dentists and dental practices, provided by Jental Co Pty Ltd, trading as:

  • Aesthetic Ortho and Restorative Training Academy Australia;
  • Australia Academy of Digital Aesthetic Dentistry; or
  • Academy of Digital Dental.